The Parent Association Board is comprised of parent volunteers who are dedicated to improving the overall experience of all students attending Silicon Valley Korean School by facilitating parent involvement for the school-wide events: New Year’s Celebration, Field Day, and Kimchi Class. The PA board also organizes parent volunteers for New Year and Field Day, which eliminated a burden upon the teachers to find parents to assist in the booths for those events.
Parent Association

The teachers are able to focus better on their students and prepare for the event day with less stress. The PA board focuses on improving parent involvement because it takes a village to raise a child but we cannot have a village or a community in which to raise our students with a positive view of the Korean language and culture without the parents. Our hope is to create a school community in which the students can see parents working side-by-side with teachers and other parents to create a small piece of Korea in which they can invest and find comfort.
We sincerely hope that you will join us in our efforts. Please attend the small group meetings to find out more about the school and obtain information. Please volunteer for any of the numerous positions available. Please contact us with comments and questions. Together, we can make this a memorable and productive school year.